Thursday, February 4, 2010

The case of the disappearing fish stickers.

My four year old has lost his fish stickers! He is absolutely convinced he just left them on his bedroom floor and now they’ve just disappeared. We search the room from top to bottom and I cannot find any fish stickers. His twin sister has a sheet of fish stickers in her hand but he insists that he had one too and he left it right there in the middle of the floor. He can point to the exact spot and seems quite perplexed by their disappearance. At this stage, I have to admit that I am starting to doubt him. I’m not so sure there ever were two sheets of fish stickers and I’ve come to the conclusion that he left the stickers down and his sister robbed them.

Stickers have become a bit of a thing in our house since I introduced them recently in an attempt to get the twins to do things for themselves , like go to the toilet completely unaided, eat their dinner and tidy up their toys. I’m starting to wonder about this plan as every surface of my house is now covered in stickers. The idea of sticking them on a chart didn’t go down so well. They much preferred to stick them on their beds and bedroom wall and I didn’t see the harm., but a few weeks and a lot more stickers on, I’m not so sure.

Anyway, we still haven’t found the fish stickers and it is time to go and collect big bro from school. So we abandon the search, which would usually cause a tantrum but we are having a rare good day and he happily trots down the stairs to put on his coat.
As he does he says to me “Mum, I wish I had a rememory so I could remember where I put things.”
“A rememory?” I say .
“Yeah a rememory. I think I’ll have to buy one.”

Later that afternoon ,as I am emptying the wash basket to put on a wash, there tumbles out a sheet of fish stickers. Now consider, if you will, the possibility that there were clothes for the wash on the bedroom floor, as there often is, and that a busy mum hastily gathered them up and put them in the wash basket… I suspect his rememory is quite good actually. Case closed.


  1. My eldest used to say 'rememory' too, I had a little giggle at your fella saying it. Alls well that ends well though. Was he happy to see them this morning? Jen.

  2. Ya, he was but you know kids, they were forgotten about again 2 minutes later!

  3. Such a cute story, hope the stickers still stick!
